
Squirrel Trapping

Um, something happened today that I'm not really proud of but I'll admit it because...well...it's funny. I caught the squirrel Devon was trying to catch on Christmas. It's nice to know I'm smarter than an 8 year old.

We didn't really think about what to do with it once we caught it. If only Ashley had given me this recipe sooner:


7 or 8 gray squirrels
Cooking oil
Salt and pepper
1-medium onion
8 ounces mushrooms, sliced
2-cans creamy chicken mushroom soup
2-cups sour cream
2-cups water

Dress the squirrels and cut them into pieces. Salt and pepper them, then roll in flour. Heat some cooking oil in a large frying pan and brown the squirrels.Put the squirrel pieces into a crock pot. Add soup, water,onions,and mushrooms.Turn the crock pot to high for 1/2 hour. Then turn the heat to low, add sour cream, and cook for at least 6 hours enjoy!!


Did anyone else hear Megan say that we should name it?


Jefe said...

So...is this what you do for fun in New York? Mike will have a grand time...i mean you HAVE seen our Phoenix hunting video...

acl said...

You are a horrible, horrible person. Love yah! Curt