
Birthday Fiesta!

On Saturday we celebrated Rikki and Pablo's birthday. Ok, so it wasn't decorated much like a fiesta, but in spirit it was. Rikki's Mom was here from Georgia and her brother and his wife came down from Salt Lake to help celebrate. It was pretty hoppin, as you can tell by this picture of connect four.

The birthday girl.

Rikster and Pablo (he's a mutual friend of Rikki and Kevin who happens to share Rikki's birthday).

Lynsey, Marni and Britney stopped by.

Even Rachel stopped by! We miss them.


Rikster and her mom.

Amy, I learned this from you.


acl said...

You're not even getting into it enough. You need to try the happy dance to. PS happy birthday to rikki and pedro.

acl said...

....pablo I mean.