Um, something happened today that I'm not really proud of but I'll admit it's funny. I caught the squirrel Devon was trying to catch on Christmas. It's nice to know I'm smarter than an 8 year old.
We didn't really think about what to do with it once we caught it. If only Ashley had given me this recipe sooner:
7 or 8 gray squirrels
Cooking oil
Salt and pepper
1-medium onion
8 ounces mushrooms, sliced
2-cans creamy chicken mushroom soup
2-cups sour cream
2-cups water
Dress the squirrels and cut them into pieces. Salt and pepper them, then roll in flour. Heat some cooking oil in a large frying pan and brown the squirrels.Put the squirrel pieces into a crock pot. Add soup, water,onions,and mushrooms.Turn the crock pot to high for 1/2 hour. Then turn the heat to low, add sour cream, and cook for at least 6 hours enjoy!!
Did anyone else hear Megan say that we should name it?
Squirrel Trapping
Posted by Cami at 11:15 PM 2 comments
Chistmas Day!
Christmas this year was just bound to be odd, I guess. We had some extra visitors (Kelsey, Mike, Chris, Uncle Munk and Aunt Janette). I slept through the special crepe Christmas breakfast (I was pretty rude to David when he tried to wake me up). Oh, and did I mention Devon attempted to trap a squirrel on our deck? Here he is practicing on some birds (he didn't end up catching anything, if you can imagine).
Oh yes, and Dad shot a muskrat sitting on the buoy out in the water. Mom claims it's been gnawing on the trampoline in the shed.
Thankfully, some things never change. Presents were opened slowly, as always. Devon woke us up around 7, and we were done unwrapping by 9. Dad was already showered and shaved...doesn't he know you're not allowed to look normal in pictures on Christmas morning?
Shadow still sits on his butt rather than his legs.
Kesley still takes pictures of herself.
And everyone sits around playing games.
MERRY CHRISTMAS! And happy bird trapping.
Posted by Cami at 9:50 PM 3 comments
Christmas Eve
For those siblings of mine who didn't bother showing up for Christmas Eve this year, you missed an interesting time. First of all, Grandpa is the one who told the story of Christ's birth.
Connor and Devon actually paid attention because Grandpa quizzed them and said they could only open a present if they passed.
The Smig family on the couch with their new blanket grandma crocheted them.
David with the army guy figurine he gave Devon.
Of course night ended with a game of dominos. As usual, there was throwing of whatever candy was on the table.
Megan as a present. Who wants her?
Present opening has also improved this year with the new 60 second time limit Dad has enforced. He said that if we don't open the present within 60 seconds, we have to wait until our turn comes around again to finish opening it. This might seem like enough time to those of who are not aware of my brother's obnoxious wrapping jobs. Meg and I almost didn't make the limit once or twice.
Highlights from the night:
Me (looking for the double six in dominos): Nic, you don't need to pick up one like us, you already did.
Nicki: Wait, we've been starting with six, not seven, this whole time?
Dad, quizzing Dev and Con: So what does "espoused" mean again?
Devon: Prego!
Dad: That's right, Devon
Us: Wait, what?!
Connor, after checking online with Nicki and Devon and finding out Santa was in New York, ran past the domino table to his sleeping bag repeating "Get to bed, get to bed, get to bed"
This isn't necessarily funny to him, but at around 12:30 Devon came upstairs to Meg and my bed crying, saying that Christmas was going to be ruined because of him because he couldn't fall asleep.
Posted by Cami at 2:50 PM 0 comments
With finals going on, not much else besides studying has been happening lately, so sorry for the lack of blogging. Here are some recent pictures to keep you entertained for a while.
The boys picking out their Christmas tree. And none of them had cash so I was the one who paid for it. BOYS!N
I miss ringpops
Opening Christmas presents! Look how excited they are...
Posted by Cami at 8:53 PM 2 comments
Salt Lake Lights
Last weekend Mike and I drove up to Salt Lake to shop at Gateway Mall and, of course, look at the lights. Check it out!
Dad, you made rules against the Provo Temple, but you didn't say anything about the Salt Lake Temple... is this cheesy enough for you?
Posted by Cami at 7:55 PM 3 comments
The Palmers!
I completely forgot to blog about the Palmers! They were in Midway over Thanksgiving break with their relatives, so I drove over and hung out with Cait for a few hours, for the first time in 3 1/2 years.
Yeah....I found this on my camera when I put everything onto my computer. Thanks for this, Cait.
Posted by Cami at 4:45 PM 1 comments
See, we can be cute too! (maybe not as cute as these two).
Posted by Cami at 4:19 PM 1 comments
Thanksgiving with the Breadys
Since my own dad was too cheap to fly me anywhere for Thanksgiving this year (just kidding Dad), I went and spent it in Sandy with Mike's family (with a stop at the Mabey's of course). Let me introduce you to Mike's family:
Mr. and Mrs. Bready
Mike's youngest brother, Thomas, who's 16.
His other brothers, Nathan (29) and Steven (18)
Nathan's wife, Becky
Mike's two sisters, Michelle (25)
and Heather (28)
Heather's husband, Shane, and son, Jackson
Nathan and Becky's little boys are super cute. Here is Alex (5) giving his cheesiest smile.
and David (2) is the littlest loner I've ever seen.
The day after Thanksgiving Heather and Shane got family pictures at the house. Here are their cute little twin girls (who I know better than my own niece, Parker, now.)
More proof that grandpas are the BIGGEST baby hogs EVER. Mr. Bready always has a grandchild in his arms...
Brothers! Steven goes the to Y with us, his freshman year.
I was called over by Becky to take a picture of this. Mrs. Bready put plastic bags over her oven mitts so that she could flip the turkey.
It was a HUGE turkey (and delicious).
Mom, you need to convince Dad to expand the kitchen to look like this:
Posted by Cami at 3:21 PM 3 comments