
What I've Got

I just don't have enough pictures. This is just sad. These are all the pictures that were on my camera.

The Christmas dinner we had at work. It was delicious!

Katie is the student who does my job in the afternoon.

Our ride home from the airport our first day in New York. Ian was good entertainment on the ride home.

Drew and Corissa's wedding. They're cute.


Cherie said...

Cami-what is your job now? Are you still working at the Brick Oven? (I'm not really in the loop when it comes to extended family things...the blogs are mostly all I have...)

Cami said...

cherie....thank goodness that no, I do NOT work at the brick oven anymore. I work in the accounts payable office in the administration building

Anonymous said...

Lou I love the video of Ian tickling Mike in the car...I've showed all my friends haha.

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